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International Journal of Advance Research in Community Health Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-1658, E-ISSN: 2664-1666
International Journal of Advance Research in Community Health Nursing
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2024, Vol. 6, Issue 2, Part A

To evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching program on awareness and practice regarding techniques of tooth brushing among primary school primary school children at selected rural areas of Kalaburagi

Shweta and Sneha R Kulakarni

Tooth brushing and other mechanical measures are the most practical and effective means of achieving and maintaining adequate oral hygiene. Although tooth brushing is a simple and effective means of removing plaque, the high prevalence of periodontal disease in the general population indicates that tooth-brushing performance is inadequate. Up to now, the toothbrush still remains the most efficient of all cleaning devices.
Objective: To evaluate the video assisted teaching program on awareness and practice of primary school children regarding techniques of tooth brushing at rural areas of Kalaburagi.
Methodology: A evaluative approach with pre experimental one group pre-test post-test design was adopted for the study. The samples from the selected rural areas were selected using purposive sampling technique. The sample consisted sixty primary school children from selected rural areas. The tools used for data collection was structured awareness scale and observational checklist.
Results: With regard to pre-test level of awareness it shows that, maximum 36(60%) respondents were having moderate awareness, 19(31.7%) respondents were having poor awareness and remaining 5(8.3%) of respondents were having good awareness. During post-test maximum 43 (71.7%) of respondents were having moderate awareness, 14(13.3%) of respondents were had good awareness and remaining 3(5%) of respondents were had poor awareness. With regard to pre-test level of practice it shows that, majority 29(48.3%) respondents were having moderate practice, 22(36.7%) of respondents were having poor practice and 9(15%) of respondents were having good practice. During post-test maximum 54(90%) of respondents were having good practice, and 6(10%) of respondents were had poor practice. With respect to awareness scores of participants, the statistical paired‘t’ implies that the difference in the pretest and post-test value was found statistically significant at 5% level (p<0.05) with a paired ‘t’ value of 13.86. With respect to practice scores of participants, the statistical paired ‘t’ implies that the difference in the pretest and post-test value was found statistically significant at 5% level (P<0.05) with a paired ‘t’ value of 12.98. There exists a statistical significance in the difference of practice score indicating the positive impact of video assisted teaching program.
Conclusion: The findings revealed that awareness and practice of primary school children related to oral hygiene and techniques of tooth brushing were moderate and it was improved after demonstration method.
Pages : 14-18 | 272 Views | 129 Downloads

International Journal of Advance Research in Community Health Nursing
How to cite this article:
Shweta, Sneha R Kulakarni. To evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching program on awareness and practice regarding techniques of tooth brushing among primary school primary school children at selected rural areas of Kalaburagi. Int J Adv Res Community Health Nurs 2024;6(2):14-18. DOI: 10.33545/26641658.2024.v6.i2a.188
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