Ahongsangbam Sanathoi Chanu, Abha Chaorsiya and Monika Sharma
Heat-related illness is a spectrum of conditions progressing from heat exhaustion, heat injury, to life-threatening heat stroke. Heat stroke is a clinical constellation of symptoms that include a severe elevation in body temperature which typically, but not always, is greater than 40°C. The main sign of heatstroke is a markedly elevated body temperature (greater than 104 degree F) with changes in mental status ranging from personality changes to confusion and coma. Heatstroke, also called sunstroke, is the most severe form of hyperthermia, or heat-related illness. Heatstroke can lead to brain damage, organ failure or death.
Ahongsangbam Sanathoi Chanu, Abha Chaorsiya, Monika Sharma. Heat stroke. Int J Adv Res Community Health Nurs 2024;6(1):125-127. DOI: 10.33545/26641658.2024.v6.i1b.178