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International Journal of Advance Research in Community Health Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-1658, E-ISSN: 2664-1666
International Journal of Advance Research in Community Health Nursing
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2024, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Part A

A study to assess the effectiveness of module on palliative care in terms of knowledge and attitude among nursing students in a selected college of nursing, New Delhi

M Sumathi, Anney Avarachan and Josna Jesmon

A holistic approach for caring for terminally ill is an integral part of health care delivery system, hence it’s very important for health care workers including nurses to have good knowledge, attitude and practice about palliative care to provide quality care at the end of life or for chronically ill patients. Palliative care concept is new and very little is known in India. The aim of study was to assess the effectiveness of module on palliative care in terms of knowledge and attitude of among nursing students. Pre-experimental research study, one group pre-test post-test design was used to assess the knowledge and attitude of 68 nursing students on palliative care from a selected college of nursing in Delhi. The study setting was Holy Family College of nursing and sample has nursing students from B.Sc. Nursing 2nd year & GNM 2nd year. The data collected were analysed and interpreted using descriptive and inferential statistics. Majority (98.5%) of the nursing students had poor knowledge about palliative care in the pre-test whereas, in the post-test, three fourths of the students (75%) had good level of knowledge and 22% had very good knowledge level. Majority of the participants had positive attitude towards palliative care in both pre-test (94.1%) and post-test 98.5%. Significant increase in knowledge score between pre-test and post-test (t=23.29, p<0.001) was seen which can be attributed to the intervention, but there was no significant difference in attitude between pre-test and post-test (t=0.297, p=0.767). The attitude was positive before the implementation of module as evidential by high pre-test attitude score. There is a significant positive correlation (r=0.25; p=0.04) between knowledge score and attitude score at the pre-test level. There was no significant association between knowledge, attitude and demographic variable. It can be concluded that the Palliative care module is effective in increasing the knowledge, but had no effect on attitude. This study can be replicated in other health care providers to prove the effectiveness in enhancing attitude, as nursing students are already exposed & have positive attitude as evidenced in pre-test.
Pages : 50-57 | 632 Views | 307 Downloads

International Journal of Advance Research in Community Health Nursing
How to cite this article:
M Sumathi, Anney Avarachan, Josna Jesmon. A study to assess the effectiveness of module on palliative care in terms of knowledge and attitude among nursing students in a selected college of nursing, New Delhi. Int J Adv Res Community Health Nurs 2024;6(1):50-57. DOI: 10.33545/26641658.2024.v6.i1a.167
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