A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge regarding measles among the general population of village Bhopal city, Madhya Pradesh
Ragni Dubey and Dushyant Sharma
India are scrambling to contain the outbreak of Measles among the population aged under-five, for whom the disease, typically accompanied by a fever, cough and a distinctive maculopapular rash, can be fatal. Over 25,000 cases of measles and 1,965 cases of Rubella, a related, more virulent form of viral disease, have been reported in 2022. The worst-hit states have been Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, and Maharashtra, but even states like Kerala, widely seen as the best performing state on vital health parameters, including maternal and child immunizations, have seen localised outbreaks of the highly contagious disease.
Methods: The conceptual framework adopted for the study was based on modified J.W. Kenny’s Open System Model Theory methodology adopted for assessing the knowledge through planned teaching regarding measles to general population of village, of Bhopal (MP) It includes research approach, research design, setting of the study, population, variable, sample size, sampling technique, criteria for sample selection, tool preparation and scoring, reliability and flexibility of the study method of data collection and statistical analysis and also emphasis on particular methodology adopted by the investigator to conduct the study. The sample consists of the units that compose accessible population. In this study sample size is 110 where selected purposively to suit the study. The tool use for generating data was a knowledge regarding measles. Theoretical knowledge and guidance from the expert and review of literature helped in developing the tools necessary for the study. Which was also translated to Hindi and distributed for enhancing the knowledge regarding measles.
Results: The purpose of the current study is to assess the knowledge regarding measles among general population of village Bhopal (M.P) 18.2% of people in the post test had good levels of knowledge and 80.9% had very good levels, according to the distribution of participant. The overall mean knowledge scores of the pre-test and post-test of participant show that the post-test mean score was higher (16.49 with SD of 1.780) when compared with the pre-test mean knowledge score value of 6.17 with SD of 2.120, the calculate value is 37.374, and the tabulated p value is 0.0001. Therefore, assessment of knowledge regarding measles among general population of village Bhopal (M.P) is statistically interpreted. H2-there is a significant association between the levels of knowledge regarding measles among general population of village with selected socio demographic variable is rejected at 0.05 level of significance.
Conclusion: There is need to impart more knowledge to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge regarding measles among the general population of village Bhopal (MP). The aimed to improve the level of knowledge of general population. They predetermined certain objectives to precede the study. The result of this study shows 80.9% of participants in post-test had very good level of knowledge and 18.2% had good level of knowledge was found effective as a teaching strategy.
Ragni Dubey, Dushyant Sharma. A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge regarding measles among the general population of village Bhopal city, Madhya Pradesh. Int J Adv Res Community Health Nurs 2024;6(1):34-39. DOI: 10.33545/26641658.2024.v6.i1a.165