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International Journal of Advance Research in Community Health Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-1658, E-ISSN: 2664-1666
International Journal of Advance Research in Community Health Nursing
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2023, Vol. 5, Issue 2, Part A

Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding anemia and its management among anemic adolescent girls in senior secondary school of East Sikkim

Senchumbeni R Odyuo, M Thoibi Devi and Hemkala Dhakal

Introduction: Anemia has become a global public health problem affecting both developed and developing countries. According to NFHS-5, the prevalence of anemia among adolescent girls in India is 59%. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding anemia and its management among anemic adolescent girls in a senior secondary school of East Sikkim.
Methodology: A pre-experimental one group pre-test-post-test research design was adopted for this study. Among the 152 adolescent girls, 114 samples were selected using simple random sampling method. Assessment of anemia was done using tall Quist paper and was determined following WHO classification as severe, moderate and mild anemia. Pre-test was conducted using semi-structured knowledge questionnaire and structured teaching programme was provided on management of anemia after which post-test was conducted after 7 days using the same questionnaire. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software version 24.0.
Results: The study finding reveals that 95.6% of the adolescent girls had mild anemia, where most (38.6%) of them were among 15 years of age and most (35.1%) of them had their first menarche at 13 years of age. In pre-test (77.2%) had average knowledge whereas in post-test (79.9%) had good knowledge which showed statistically significant difference among the anemic adolescent girls after the teaching programme on management of anemia. Findings also showed statistically significant association of age of anemic adolescent girls, religion, dietary pattern and type of family with the pre- test knowledge on anemia and its management at p<0.05 level.
Discussion and Conclusion: The result of the study showed that anemia was observed as a general medical issue in the study setting. Findings also indicated that structured teaching programme was effective in improving the knowledge of adolescent girls on anemia and its management. Regular screening with proper education on anemia and its management among the adolescent girls must be carried out as a part of school health education programme.
Pages : 24-28 | 864 Views | 441 Downloads

International Journal of Advance Research in Community Health Nursing
How to cite this article:
Senchumbeni R Odyuo, M Thoibi Devi, Hemkala Dhakal. Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding anemia and its management among anemic adolescent girls in senior secondary school of East Sikkim. Int J Adv Res Community Health Nurs 2023;5(2):24-28. DOI: 10.33545/26641658.2023.v5.i2a.143
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