A study to evaluate the effectiveness of Epsom salt fomentation on knee joint pain among older adults in a selected old age home at Namakkal
R Princess Maundina, Dr. M Geetha and S Nasira
The research approach adopted was the quantitative approach. Quasi experimental none randomized control group research design was used in this study to measure the effectiveness of Epsom salt fomentation on knee joint pain among older adults. The selection of samples was done by Non-Probability Purposive Sampling Technique. The sample size was 30 older adults in experimental group and 30 older adults in the control group. Numerical pain rating scale was used to assess the level of pain among the older adults.
Results: The analysis reveals that among the older adults in pre-test 16(53.3%) had moderate pain and 14(46.7%) had severe pain. In post-test 17(56.6%) of them had no pain and 13(43.4%) had mild pain. The calculated t value was 23.4 and the p level value with the significance of 0.05 level was 2.05, it was noted that the calculated value is greater than the p level value, there was a highly significant difference between the pre-test and post test score, so the research hypothesis was accepted.
R Princess Maundina, Dr. M Geetha, S Nasira. A study to evaluate the effectiveness of Epsom salt fomentation on knee joint pain among older adults in a selected old age home at Namakkal. Int J Adv Res Community Health Nurs 2023;5(1):40-42. DOI: 10.33545/26641658.2023.v5.i1a.130