A descriptive study to assess the knowledge, attitude and preventive strategies of COVID-19 among vulnerable groups
Krishna Priya V and Vinitha R
The present aim was to determine the existing level of knowledge, attitude and preventive strategies of COVID-19 among vulnerable groups who has diabetes and hypertension among population on Kozhumanivakkam, Chennai, A quantitative approach with descriptive research design was adopted for the present study. 60 samples among which (n=60) were selected by using non probability purposive sampling technique. A semi structured questionnaire method was used to collect both the demographic data and existing level of knowledge, attitude and preventive strategies among vulnerable groups. Among 60 study participants, the mean score of KAP is 19.3 with the standard deviation of 3.05. Hence the findings of present study concluded that population of vulnerable group had a average level of KAP towards COVID-19.
Krishna Priya V, Vinitha R. A descriptive study to assess the knowledge, attitude and preventive strategies of COVID-19 among vulnerable groups. Int J Adv Res Community Health Nurs 2021;3(2):34-36. DOI: 10.33545/26641658.2021.v3.i2a.75