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International Journal of Advance Research in Community Health Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-1658, E-ISSN: 2664-1666
International Journal of Advance Research in Community Health Nursing
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2020, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part A

A pre-experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme (PTP) on knowledge regarding prevention of worm infestation among primary school children in selected schools, Kolhapur

Mamata Pramod Kasle

A pre-experimental study to evaluate effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme (PTP) on knowledge regarding prevention of worm infestation among primary school children in selected schools at Kolhapur”. A Pre experimental, one group pretest & posttest research design was used, which consisted a group of 60 subjects that were selected by using Probability, systematic sampling technique. Data was collected by using structured knowledge questionnaire regarding prevention of worm infestation. A PTP was administered to the subjects at the end of the pretest and a post test was conducted 7 days after pretest and from administration of PTP. The result shows that, out of 60 primary school children, In pretest maximum subjects 31 (51.68%) had poor knowledge and 28 subjects (46.66%) had average knowledge and 1(1.66%) of the subjects had good knowledge, where as in posttest 42 (70.00%) subjects had average knowledge, 14 (23.34%) of subjects had good knowledge and 04(6.66%) of the subjects had poor knowledge. The calculated paired ‘t’ value (t cal = 7.8) is greater than tabulated value (t tab = 2.00).This indicates that the gain in knowledge score is significant at P<0.05 level. The overall knowledge score of subjects was increased by mean difference 5.45 units and median difference was 07 whereas mode difference was 10.1.The variability around the mean of knowledge score distribution was 1.3.The range between the highest and lowest score was increased by 3 units after administering the PTP. The calculated paired ‘t’ value (tcal = 7.8) is greater than tabulated value (ttab = 2.00). There is significant association between pretest knowledge scores and selected socio-demographic variable like Mode of defecation [χ2cal= 23.85, χ2tab=9.49]. The calculated Chi-square values were higher than tabulated value at 0.05 level of significance this indicates that there is significant association between pretest knowledge scores with their selected socio-demographic variables (p<0.05).
Pages : 48-51 | 2662 Views | 1499 Downloads

International Journal of Advance Research in Community Health Nursing
How to cite this article:
Mamata Pramod Kasle. A pre-experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme (PTP) on knowledge regarding prevention of worm infestation among primary school children in selected schools, Kolhapur. Int J Adv Res Community Health Nurs 2020;2(1):48-51. DOI: 10.33545/26641658.2020.v2.i1a.27
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